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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Mainly white skin after 10.5 months of recovery

I cut cortisone out of my system on the 6th of September 2012 and now 10.5 months later I look basically normal.  In that time of course readers and fellow followers will know about the horrible symptoms I went through, but now, a mere 11 months in and I'm basically healed.

Across my journey I've been meeting lots of other sufferers, Aussie's, Americans, Asians and Europeans.  My friend from work introduced me to his girlfriend and immediately we diagnosed her as also being a sufferer.  It is just so common, you wouldn't even believe!

What I take a lot of heart from, is that the cure is all so easy.  All you need do is stop using the cortisone.  Sure there are a lot of symptoms along the way and it's not a pleasant next stage of your life, but recovering from red dry skin is an amazing feeling.

Good luck to everyone



  1. Hey josh!
    You are looking great man! Seeing your progress brings me some hope. I am a week away from month 5, and things aren't looking too good. Just wondering what's your topical steroid profile?

    1. Took them for about 10 years, starting with only a little and then building to a tube every week. I was on 0.1% and occasional pills to control big flares.

      At 5 months I was still feeling it pretty bad, but around month 7 I noticed a lot of change, so stick with it pal.


  2. Hi Josh, I am in TSW month 3. I got 3-4 sebaceous cyst and 8-10 swollen lymph nodes during TSW. It seems very rare in TSW, so I am getting a bit concerned with my health.

  3. Hey KS,

    I didn't get big ones like the ones on Google Images, but I did also experience both cysts and still have swollen lymph nodes. Unfortunately it's just part of the process, the skin is damaged and susceptible to a range of issues.

    I had one lump cut out of my back, but other than that, everything has gone down or is very minor.

    At month #3 you are experiencing a range of issues as the system is really upside down.

    Keep riding it out.


  4. Hey Josh, glad to see you doing so well. Always an encouragement.
    My update is as follows.
    Today is day 145 or 146, middle of month 4.
    Almost no redness except around wrists.
    All flaking is gone except a bit around the eyes and bridge of nose.
    Only use lotion first thing in the morning and after my evening shower.
    When I get hot, I get a bit of a rash and a few bumps on the forearms, but it goes away when I cool down.
    I have recently began running and lifting weight again. Feel better after each workout.
    Last couple of flareups have just been a slight redness around neck and arms that went away in a day or two. No real discomfort.
    About 4 weeks ago I quit taking any anti itch meds. Benadrill was all I had taken from the get go.
    Within a couple of days of getting off the pills I became more alert, felt better all around and began to finally start sweating again. I had not been able to break a sweat even outside in 90 degree heat until then.
    I do have times that my arms and wrists get itchy for no reason, but if I leave it be, the itch passes in a few minutes.
    I was really mentally worn down back around day 90 thru the early 100s because everything just seemed to be staying the same. I would have to say somewhere just around 120 I got much much better and continue to do so each day.
    This has been a nasty bitch to contend with, but knowing from the start that if one will see it thru, you will get better is what keeps us going.
    I would never have guessed how tough those first 90 days could be and don't know that I would have had the courage to see it thru without Josh and a few others who have been there first to encourage me. I thank you for keeping us updated on this site and for the encouragement along the way. It has touched my life more than one would ever guess. Geoff Z

    1. Hey Geoff,

      That's amazing news, I have been looking forward to an update and hearing yours has put a smile on my face from ear to ear!!

      I also found that month 4 was when the most healing occured, for me it was over Christmas (which in Melbourne is a hot time of the year). I reduced flaking considerably and the skin colour improved dramatically.

      Be prepared for a couple more flare ups, or even a week where you think it has gone backwards, but other than that you will be fine.

      Keep in touch mate,

