I've been getting back into sport of recent, playing a bit of ultimate frisbee and touch rugby at Albert Park (where the grand prix is held). Whilst it has been a bit hard on the body to start with, I realised that once the sweat glands started to work, they cleared the dry skin and it all felt great. In fact, the body is the best it has been since I started.
Good diet and only minimal booze has really helped and I feel like I'm almost at the end of this journey. To be clear, what I mean by this is that I'm through the bad stuff, now I just wait a few more months for the skin to strengthen and the moisture to come back fully.
To everyone following my progress, please encourage others to do the same. I've been given a new lease on life and it really wasn't that hard. I say that in a relative context, meaning of course it was hard, but compared to losing a leg or getting cancer, a year of dry red skin really isn't that bad.
All the best and keep messaging in.