Happy new years eve everyone. A quick update before we all get on with our NYE merriment (and yes I mean drinking & fornicating).
I'm feeling really good, very little dry skin and/or shedding, very comfortable in clothes and scratching is at an all time low. In fact I rarely get really itchy at all. My face if still an ongoing battle, but it's getting much better. As you can see from the image below, whilst my colour has improved, I'm still red skinned and this is being spread through my entire ventricular system. That said the colour on my chest and back are very pale pink, even white. My arm colour is more tanned brown than red and my legs are the whitest they have been in 7 years.
I'm getting back to a normal social life, able to have coffee with friends, go out and shop or sunbake in the beautiful Australian summer (for limited amounts of time).
The only restriction on my activity is making sure I don't allow the blood in my face to pump too quickly as dilation caused an intense itch/pain in my face. This will heal over the next month or two, but right now the capillaries have not healed enough, so no sport, gym, hot foods or extended periods of heat.
Other than that, my temperature regulation is much better, I feel energised and my sleeping is starting to get closer to normal. It's still a long way from full recovery, but all my friends and family have been commenting on how much better I look and that gives me a heap of confidence.
Happy new year all, let it bring us a fast recovery to all.
7 years ago